While I appreciate many routine bug fixes and some longtime awaited features and UI improvements, Affinity apps still lacks general stability, UI consistency, and a huge number of essential features, making it hard to use these apps in professional context of for critical work.
The are no official statistics, but from own observation and counting the evolution of key indicators is very bad and going into the wrong direction:
Rate of solved long term issues (for basic/essential functionality) stays constant or going down. E.g.
Wrong handling of alpha channel adjustments layers
Rendering issues depending on zoom level
Merge down leading to blurriness
Handling of layer or position or size leading to blurriness
Unable to render 16 bit color depth within the app
Wrong CMYK color profile preview / soft proofing (paper simulation)
Rate of features implemented (based on user feedback in forum) low
(E.g. LTR writing, handling of 1-bit BW documents, missing vector trace, supporting functions for game devs like zero in alpha channel, PAR (pixel aspect ratio), blend tool, …
Instead Affinity often adds features which where never requested by users before and server only small very user groups (astrophotography stacking)
Countless regressions of UI bugs (UI elements not working/unusable)
Some „design decisions“ of the developers are insane:
- older releases unable to open files edited by newer releases (this effects almost every minor release), so all users working as team or family must always upgrade to latest
iPad versions lacks dozens of essential functions available on Desktop versions. Gap increases with every release
Instead of fixing bugs for existing functionality, Affinity introduces new functions, covering the use same use case by a totally different workflow. E.g. combining blend ranges and mask layers vs. Live mask layers.
If needed I can provide links to relevant posts in the official Affinity user forum proving these claims.
While I appreciate many routine bug fixes and some longtime awaited features and UI improvements, Affinity apps still lacks general stability, UI consistency, and a huge number of essential features, making it hard to use these apps in professional context of for critical work.
The are no official statistics, but from own observation and counting the evolution of key indicators is very bad and going into the wrong direction:
Rate of solved long term issues (for basic/essential functionality) stays constant or going down. E.g.
Wrong handling of alpha channel adjustments layers Rendering issues depending on zoom level Merge down leading to blurriness Handling of layer or position or size leading to blurriness Unable to render 16 bit color depth within the app Wrong CMYK color profile preview / soft proofing (paper simulation)
Rate of features implemented (based on user feedback in forum) low (E.g. LTR writing, handling of 1-bit BW documents, missing vector trace, supporting functions for game devs like zero in alpha channel, PAR (pixel aspect ratio), blend tool, …
Instead Affinity often adds features which where never requested by users before and server only small very user groups (astrophotography stacking)
Countless regressions of UI bugs (UI elements not working/unusable)
Some „design decisions“ of the developers are insane: - older releases unable to open files edited by newer releases (this effects almost every minor release), so all users working as team or family must always upgrade to latest iPad versions lacks dozens of essential functions available on Desktop versions. Gap increases with every release Instead of fixing bugs for existing functionality, Affinity introduces new functions, covering the use same use case by a totally different workflow. E.g. combining blend ranges and mask layers vs. Live mask layers.
If needed I can provide links to relevant posts in the official Affinity user forum proving these claims.